Congratulations to all chorus students who participated in the NCMEA Large Ensemble Choral Festival at Meredith College on March 7th and 8th. Blues in the Knight, the advanced women's chorus, performed Grade 5 music ("Fences" by Andre J. Thomas and "Sisters" by Gwyneth Walker) and received a Superior rating of 95. The NHS Mixed Chorus, a combination of 2nd and 4th period choirs, performed Grade 4 music ("The Gartan Mother's Lullaby" by Neil Ginsberg and "Go Down Moses" by Mark Hayes) and received a Superior rating of 91.
NHS Mixed Chorus- Meredith College, March 8th
March 25--Arts Night
March 30 and 31-- CHORUS AUDITIONS FOR 2011-2012 (2:45-4pm)
April 6-- Disney
May 6-- Spring Concert
June 10-- Graduation