Course Content
Literature studied: Students will be required to sing a variety of choral literature both secular and sacred. Students will not be expected to believe, practice, or worship any of the sacred literature, but they will be asked to sing and study it as a part of our world’s music history. Refusing to sing particular styles of music will result in a zero for the student’s daily participation grade.
We will be working on musicianship, vocal technique, and choral literature daily. All three of these components are crucial to making each student a good musician, which will ultimately prepare students for musical endeavors beyond high school.
Philosophy and Expectations
Philosophy: We are here to make music. Anything that gets in the way of that is detrimental to the well being of our ensemble.
Expectations: All expectations are based on the philosophy mentioned above. Chorus is based on teamwork and collaboration. All expectations stem from the ultimate goal of making music collaboratively. Students are expected to exhibit behaviors that promote this goal and refrain from behaviors that hinder it.
1. Be on time to class, be ready with all materials, and be ready to sing when the bell rings.
2. No food, drinks (except bottled water) or gum in the chorus room.
3. Be respectful to Mrs. Hayek, your classmates, yourself and our classroom materials.
4. Bathroom policy: If you need to visit the restroom, you must surrender your cell phone to Mrs. Hayek until the end of class. If you are not back within five minutes, expect a write-up. Only one person out at a time, please.
5. Cell phone policy: Do not take it out, or Mrs. Hayek will keep it until the end of the day. Cell phones of repeat offenders will be turned into the front office for parents to pick up.
You are responsible for your choices and actions. Positive behaviors yield positive outcomes; negative behaviors yield negative outcomes.
If the expectations above are not met, there will be consequences for your actions that are consistent with school policy. Note that there are separate consequences for tardiness (refer to your handbook).
1st offense: Warning and conference with Mrs. Hayek
2nd offense: Lunch detention with Mrs. Hayek
3rd offense: Lunch detention with Mrs. Hayek and call home
4th offense: Write-up
I reserve the right to implement a more severe consequence per offense should your action deem it necessary.
· 1-inch binder
· Pencils
· Highlighters
· Notebook paper
Students will need to provide a 1-inch binder dedicated to chorus that is brought to chorus everyday. The binder should include notebook paper for taking notes and other assignments. It can be any color and can be decorated. This will also be where students keep their music. All music should ONLY BE WRITTEN IN WITH PENCIL! If given photocopies, highlighters are also allowed (this is NEVER allowed in printed music).
Grading scale
Chorus is a performance-based course; therefore your attendance is extremely important in class and MANDATORY for rehearsals and performances. Advanced Women’s ensemble is an advanced honors ensemble, meaning there will be higher expectations and more work expected from students.
Daily Work: 50% (This portion of the grade essential measures well each student contributes to our goal of making music collaboratively. Students will receive a rubric outlining how these points are earned)
1. Students must be on-task.
2. Students must have a positive attitude and show respect for their peers and the teacher.
3. Students must follow directions written on board and given by Mrs. Hayek daily. Gather materials listed on the board and go to your assigned place by the time the tardy bell rings.
4. Students must be in attendance of daily rehearsals to receive points toward their daily work grade. Excused absences will not lose points, but must make-up any extra assignments missed. Unexcused absences will not earn any points for days missed (you are not contributing to the ensemble if you are gone!). Students with unexcused absences must see Mrs. Hayek for alternate make-up work that may result in some partial credit toward daily work.
Quizzes/Projects/Exams: 20%
1. Students will be given music notation and literacy quizzes.
2. Students will be given singing quizzes to assess their sight-singing skills.
3. Students will be given singing quizzes in duets/ trios/ quartets to assess their ability to sing their own part of music learned in class.
4. Students will be given written work in the form of reflections, critiques, essays, and projects. This also includes concert reports:
· CONCERT REPORT: Students should attend one choral concerts (from the
approved list, or approved by Mrs. Hayek prior to attending the concert) over the course of the semester. Students should turn in the concert program accompanied by a two page concert report (typed, 12 pt, double-spaced, normal margins) for each concert within 2 weeks of attending the concert. We will discuss how to write a concert report in class. Proof of attendance (program, ticket, etc.) is also required.
Rehearsals/Concerts: 30%
1. Students are required to attend all performances and rehearsals.
2. Students must be dressed in uniform and demonstrate proper stage etiquette to receive full credit for the performance.
3. If any after school rehearsals, dress rehearsals, or concerts will be missed, you must notify Mrs. Hayek ( in order for it to be counted as excused. Excused absences will need to make-up the time missed with alternate activities:
o Normal rehearsal missed= help Mrs. Hayek (clean up auditorium, make copies, file music in the music library, etc)
o Dress rehearsal missed= write a 2 page paper (topic of Mrs. Hayek’s choice)
o Each concert missed= write a 5 page paper (topic of Ms. Hayek’s choice)
If I do not hear from your parent/guardian/coach/boss 1 month before these events, your absence will count as unexcused and you will receive a ZERO. This is your warning.
Casual: All NHS chorus students must purchase an NHS chorus t-shirt. This will be worn when we sing at the Homecoming football game and other public events. More information on ordering a t-shirt will be available very soon. They will be approximately $10.
Show: You will need to order a blue shirt that is $30. You will wear this for EOE and some concerts.
Formal: You will need to purchase the following items on your own: black dress shoes, black pants, white button up long-sleeve shirt, black tie.
*If you have any financial issues or issues with getting these items, please speak with Mrs. Hayek in private.
REQUIRED Performance/Rehearsal Dates –
Put these on your calendar now! Work, Driver’s Ed, and sports practice do not excuse you from these events. Adjust your schedule accordingly. Let Mrs. Hayek know of any conflicts (such as a dance recital or championship game) ASAP!! For an excused absence, you must make Mrs. Hayek aware of the conflict at LEAST a month ahead of time and make-up the work accordingly.
** All dates and times are subject to change, but will most likely be as written. I will provide PLENTY of notice if any dates or time change.**
FALL 2011 | |
Friday, October 14 | NHS Chorus sings the National Anthem at Homecoming Football Game. Rehearsal 5pm at County Stadium, Tailgate Dinner at 5:30pm, Meet at 6:30pm, Sing at 7:00pm |
Tues Nov 8 and Wed Nov 9 | Rehearsals for Fall Concert (time TBD) |
Wednesday, Nov 9 | Dress Rehearsal for Fall Concert, 6-9pm |
Thursday, November 10 | Fall Chorus Concert 7:30pm, students arrive at 6pm |
December | Rehearsal for Holiday Concert with Carrington, 3-5pm |
December | Rehearsal for Holiday Concert with Little River, 3-5pm |
Wednesday, Dec 7 | Perform holiday music for Ruritan Club At Umstead Pines at Willowhaven Students arrive at 7 PM, sing at 7:20 PM |
Wednesday, December 14 | Holiday Chorus Concert with Little River Elementary and Carrington Middle: 7:00pm, students arrive at 5:30pm |
Additional Performances/Rehearsals/Fundraisers for Fall 2011 (OPTIONAL)
Saturday, October 15 | Durham All-County Chorus · Sectional rehearsal Thurs Oct 6, 6-8 PM · Rehearsal Thurs, Oct 13, 4- 9 PM · Rehearsal, Saturday 9-4 PM · Concert, Saturday Oct 15, 5 PM |
Saturday, November 5 | Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser at the Ruritan Club, 7 – 10 AM (we will help serve). All proceeds go to NHS chorus. $6 tickets. |
Thursday, October 27 | Special chorus concert at 8 PM with Eric Whitacre, guest composer and conductor. We will perform with other DPS high school students at Duke Chapel. Students arrive by 6:15 to rehearse with Mr. Whitacre. More details to come about this special event! |
November 12-13 | North Carolina Honors Chorus (select students) · Registration due by Sept 10 · Audition at Meredith College, Sept 24 If you make it… (more details to come) · Rehearsals all day Saturday Nov 12 in Winston Salem · Rehearsals in the morning Sunday Nov 13 · Concert on Sunday Nov 13 |
Friday, March 16 | NHS Arts Night 6-8pm |
March 28-31 (tentative) | Musical Festival in Disney World |
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 3 and 4 | Rehearsals for Spring Concert |
Thursday, May 5 | Dress Rehearsal for Spring Show, 6-9pm |
Fri, May 4 and Sat, May 5 | Spring Chorus Concert 7:30pm, students arrive at 6pm |
June 10, 2012 | Graduation (Northern Chorus sings) |