Graduation is FRIDAY, JUNE 10th.
10 AM: ALL chorus students meet in the chorus room at Northern High for warm-up and rehearsal. Yes, even seniors need to be there!
10:30 AM: Depart for Cameron Indoor Stadium at Duke University
Option 1: Students ride bus to graduation (I need a permission slip from you)
Option 2: Students arrange their own transportation to graduation
11 AM sharp: Sound check at Cameron Indoor Stadium at Duke University. This is our ONLY rehearsal with Mrs. Colclough!
11:15 AM: Seniors line up, all other chorus members sit next to risers until graduation starts
12 noon: Graduation
1:30pm or so: Graduation Ends. The bus will leave 10 minutes after the ceremony is over.
**Don't forget: Please send $5 for your copy of the Spring Concert DVD!**