Literature studied: Students will be required to sing a variety of choral literature both secular and sacred. Students will not be expected to believe, practice, or worship any of the sacred literature, but they will be asked to sing and study it as a part of our world’s music history. Refusing to sing particular styles of music will result in a zero for the student’s daily participation grade.
We will be working on musicianship, vocal technique, and choral literature daily. All three of these components are crucial to making each student a good musician, which will ultimately prepare students for musical endeavors beyond high school.
Expectations: Chorus is based on teamwork and collaboration.
1. Be on time to class and be prepared to sing when the bell rings.
2. No food, drinks or gum in the chorus room.
3. Be respectful to Ms. Fitz, your classmates, yourself and our classroom materials.
4. Bathroom policy: Three passes per student per semester. These may be used for the bathroom, water, or guidance. Your weekly participation grade drops two points for every additional trip. If you save your passes, you will gain two points per pass on your participation grade at the end of the semester.
5. Cell phone policy: Do not take it out, or Ms. Fitz will keep it until the end of the day. If this happens more than once, your parent will be called and informed. The third time, expect to visit an administrator.
Here are the consequences if those expectations are not met:
1. Verbal warning.
2. Time out/ Call home.
3. Referral to administration.
Grading scale: Chorus is a performance-based course; therefore your attendance is extremely important in class and MANDATORY for rehearsals and performances.
Daily Work: 40%
1. Students must be on-task.
2. Students must have a positive attitude and show respect for their peers and the teacher.
3. Students must follow directions written on board daily. Gather materials listed on the
board and go to your assigned place by the time the tardy bell rings.
Quizzes/Projects: 25%
1. Students will be given written quizzes to assess their knowledge of music notation and literacy.
2. Students will be given singing quizzes to assess their sight-singing skills.
3. Students will be given singing quizzes in quartets to assess their ability to sing their own part of music learned in class.
Rehearsals/Concerts: 35%
1. Students are required to attend all performances and rehearsals.
2. Students must be dressed in uniform and demonstrate proper stage etiquette to receive full credit for the performance.
3. If any after school rehearsals, dress rehearsals, or concerts will be missed, you must notify Ms. Fitz via email ( in order for it to be counted as excused.
o Normal rehearsal missed= help Ms. Fitz (clean up auditorium, make copies, make signs)
o Dress rehearsal missed= write a 2 page paper (topic of Ms. Fitz's choice)
o Concert missed= write a 3 page paper (topic of Ms. Fitz's choice)
o If I do not hear from your parent/guardian/coach/boss before these events, you will receive a ZERO. This is your warning.
Costumes: The purchase of a costume is mandatory. If you purchased a costume last year and it still fits, you are all set. If you are new to the group, women will need to purchase a formal black dress, (fake) pearl earrings and a (fake) pearl necklace. Men will need to purchase a tux (under $100). Further information will be sent home about costumes soon. In addition, t-shirts will be for sale in the near future. Please make any checks payable to NHS Chorus.
REQUIRED Performance/Rehearsal Dates
FALL 2009
Friday, October 9 : National Anthem at Homecoming Football Game:
Rehearsal at 5pm, Tailgating Party at 5:30pm, National Anthem at 6:50pm, Game at 7pm
Monday, November 16 and Tuesday, November 17: Rehearsals for Fall Performance, 6-9pm
Thursday, November 19: Dress Rehearsal for Fall Performance, 6-9pm
Saturday, November 21: Fall Chorus Concert 7:30pm, students arrive at 6pm
January 15 and 16, 2010: UNC Men’s Invitational **required for all year-long male chorus students**
Monday and Tuesday, April 26 and April 27: Rehearsals for Spring Show, 6-9pm
Thursday, April 29: Dress Rehearsal for Spring Show, 6-9pm
Friday, April 30 and Saturday, May 1: Spring Chorus Concert 7:30pm, students arrive at 6pm
June 10, 2010: Graduation (Northern Chorus sings)
Additional Performances/Rehearsals (OPTIONAL)
Thursday, September 24: Honors Chorus Auditions- Meredith College, Raleigh. The audition piece for this year is “The Conversion of Saul” by Z. Randall Stroope. Audition rehearsal tracks are available at You may download the mp3 tracks from this website. The accompaniment track will be used for all auditions. There is an audition fee of $15.00 per student.
- Only 9 students from Northern can audition. Pre-auditions will be after school on Sept 3 and 4. Expect to attend a few after school rehearsals from Sept 7-18 if you are chosen to audition.
- If you score high enough at the Sept 24th audition and are chosen to participate in the NC Honors Chorus, you will need to be available November 7 and 8 for the performance.
Saturday, October 17: All-County Chorus Concert:
All Rehearsals Required:
· Thursday, October 1, 6-8pm
· Tuesday, October 6, 6-8pm
· Thursday, October 15, 4-9pm
· Saturday, October 17: All Day rehearsal
· Concert at 7pm
December 5, 2009: Light Up Durham (more info later)
Monday and Tuesday, December 7 and 8: Spring Musical Auditions (The Wiz!)
Saturday, February 20, 2010: Evening of Entertainment:
All Rehearsals Required:
· Thursday, February 4, 6-8pm
· Thursday, February 11, 6-8pm
· Thursday, Feb 18, after school
· Friday, Feb 19, all day, DPAC*
· Saturday Feb 20, rehearsal time TBA at DPAC*
· Saturday, February 20: Performance at 7pm at the Durham Performing Arts Center (DPAC*)
Friday and Saturday, March 26-27: Spring Musical (The Wiz)
Wednesday through Sunday, April 14-18: Chorus Competition Trip to Florida (more info soon)
I am looking forward to an exciting year. If you would like to be part of the Chorus Parents Association, please attend our first meeting on Thursday, September 10 at 7pm in the chorus room (A3). The CPA assists with fundraisers, choral performances, chorus finances, field trips, costumes, publicity and anything else the chorus needs. If you cannot attend, I hope to meet you at the NHS Open House on September 17 from 6:30-8pm. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with both parents and students! Thank you for your support.
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