Monday, October 31, 2011
Congrats to Blues in the Knight for a job well done at Eric Whitacre concert!
Here is a link to photos from that event. There are many photos of Mr. Whitacre, but there are some shots of Northern girls in there too!
Congrats again, I'm so proud of you all! Thank you for your hard work and beautiful music making!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
A job well done!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Volunteer needs for Oct/Nov
Parent Volunteers: Help needed with the following! Email Mrs. Hayek!
Tuesday, October 11th: 1 or 2 Volunteers needed
This is the day kids are turning in money from the fundraiser. I would love help receipting money this day or later during this week. You could come in during the day or after school! If you have never receipted before, it is not difficult, but does take some time and accuracy.
Friday, October 14th- Homecoming Game, 2-4 volunteers needed
We are singing the anthem and alma mater at the homecoming football game! As I am trying to organize 75 students in a new space, it would be helpful to have another adult presence if available. Students will arrive at 5 PM. We also have an hour period for food from 5:30-6:30 (still working out exact details), but it will either involve helping serve food (Bojangles or pizza) or chaperone as kids eat their dinner. We will reconvene at 6:30, and be ready to sing right at 7 PM.
Late October: When fundraiser items come in, 1 or 2 volunteers needed
I don’t know the exact date, but will need some help making sure all items are sorted and orders are correct before kids start taking them home!
Thursday, November 10. Thinking ahead for the November concert, let me know if you are interested in helping with the following, and I will put you in touch with the right people!
1) Ticket Sales (at the concert)
2) Concessions/bake sale (preparing certain items or working the booth)
Stay posted for more volunteer updates! Please email me at to let me know of your interest to volunteer. Your help and support are greatly appreciated!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Chorus Fundraiser!
Our Chorus will begin our effort today to raise money for our uniform expenses, music expenses, and any trip expenses.. We will be taking orders from the beautiful Delights catalog that is enclosed. All products offered are either consumable, collectable or make attractive gift items. Even if you don’t have a particular expense to cover, please fundraise for the sake of other members of the chorus and the chorus as a whole! Our small goal is for each student to sell a minimum 6 items – this is your fair share. Our big goal is for each student to sell 15 items. The more items you sell, the more money that goes toward any costs you incur (unifoms, trip, etc.) and the more fun things we are able to do as a chorus!
Take Orders From: 9/27 TO: 10/11
This year we have Three (3) ways you can help:
1. Fill out the small green Reachout book with 7-10 names of friends and family members. The names & addresses of family and friends that you provide will never be added to any mailing list or given to any other source. They will be given the opportunity to order or renew magazines at up to 80% off newsstand prices. There is no obligation & everyone returning a book with 7 names & addresses by Friday 9/30 wins a Splat!
2. Visit our On Line Store by going to, select “On Line Store” & put in our school ID #2316511. You can pay with credit card & the items are delivered to your home. Please email family & friends to go online too. See instructions on prize sheet so orders count toward prizes.
3. Take orders from the brochures: the Holiday Showcase (a large number of items $10 and below), the Designs Jewelry collection and the Helping Hands brochure (these items are hand made by people overseas who benefit directly from the sale of these items).
Prizes and Incentives!
(Payment must be handed in with orders to receive prizes)
Fair Share Prize:
For all students that sell 6 items or more: You will receive frog keychain and lanyard!
Big Seller Prize:
For the highest item seller in each class, they will receive a small gift certificate to a fast-food restaurant. The highest seller overall will also get an additional prize…
For the class that sells the highest AVERAGE of items per student, that will class win a food celebration at the end of the fundraiser!
Our campaign could not be a success without the cooperation and help of so many of our parents, guardians and friends. Thanks in advance for your support of this campaign!